So, after my "big" scan back in December, the doctor measured Ryan a little bit behind was my doctor was saying was my due date (which I always thought was crap anyway, because Ryan must have just had a growth spurt right before my first u/s and was measuring ahead -- he never has again).
When I went in for my next appt and we talked about the results of the scan, he said that the other doctor had my EDD (estimated due date) at May 10th, but we weren't going to change it, because it was so close and really, it's a guess anyway. And I was fine with that.
However, when I went to pick my my FMLA paperwork for my job to turn in, they had my EDD as MAY 10!!! WTF? So, essentially, we changed it anyway. That's kind of frustrating to me. But, I'll get over it. It's only 4 days. But, then I decided that I'm just going to take May 4 through July 9 as leave and see what I get paid for. I really think that I should get 3 weeks vacation (which I know I will get, because I HAVE to take it) and 6 weeks paid leave (at 60%) from Prudential. Which really leaves 2 or 3 days unpaid, which I will get over anyway. We'll see what I get approved for. I think that I should be approved for the whole thing. It's just a matter of getting paid for all of it too.
Plus, at this point, who knows what will happen? I could go into labor on April 30th and then it's all moot.
In other news, our shower is April 4th. Boys and girls are invited. The invites are going out very soon. Like Monday. Actually, my mom already hand delivered one of them, to a person that I was friends with growing up. We didn't have his address anyway and it saves postage. :)
Jake, however, being Jake, and having no memory for dates, okayed a gig for the same day, in Green Bay. Now, it IS at 8pm in GB, so it's really not that big a deal, except he'll have family in town who might think he's nuts. Plus, the gig pays $125, which is pretty good. And frankly, I don't care if he has a gig. I just care, that, like ALWAYS, he approves his gigs without asking me first. If he had, we would have talked about it and reached the same conclusion -- that he should take the gig, because it's not interfering with the shower and it's good money that we need. But, still frustrating, because then he gets upset that he has to run around and be busy and it's really his own fault.
He also okayed a gig without reading for May 7th in Sheboygan. Again, I don't care if he takes the gig, especially since we can always use the extra money, but he just has this insane idea that he can't tell the band that he has to leave, if necessary. Sheboygan is only an hour away, so I doubt that it's really a big deal, but this is almost asking me to go in labor on May 7th, just because he'll be out of town.
He's impossible to talk to about any of this stuff, because I swear, he just thinks that he can't upset the band because they don't have a back up trumpet player, so I will pretty much always come second to whatever the band is doing, plus he doesn't want to rock the boat.
I'm about ready to email the guy myself and tell him what's what. That Jake is NOT answering his stupid text messages between 8 and 5 any more, especially during the week OR that he needs to start texting me instead, because the master calendar is ALWAYS in my head.
Frustrating with hubby aside, I am really looking forward to the shower. We went and checked out the room Thursday night (in the POURING RAIN!!!) and it's a good size for the party. There are windows right into the ice rink, which is kind of annoying, but we'll have to find some cool decorations or something to cover it up a bit more. There are several long flat tables and a few roundies. The Kitchen comes with and it's HUGE!! So, mom and I are feeling pretty good about it. I have to run over to Sam's and order cake. We'll also pick up margarita stuff too. Hopefully, a party store will have some funky glasses to use that don't cost too much. I'm thinking of dragging Jake over to the party store -- maybe see if Mom wants to go too -- today and looking a decorations and stuff. I'm just a freak about planning stuff.
I made my own shower invites and it was really, really enjoyable. I wish that I had more graphic design background and more ideas for stuff like that. That would be a really good business to try to start. I just forgot how much I like doing that stuff.
Oh well. I should eat something. Ryan's hungry. ha ha. :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Alright! A Goal!
Alright! I have a goal for after the baby is here! WOOOO!!!
My SIL is getting married Labor Day weekend and I'm going to be a bridesmaid. Finally, I don't have to say "always a bride, never a bridesmaid" anymore. Ha ha! :)
I can lose 50 pounds this summer, right? I think that I'd better start walking on the treadmill now, so I stop gaining so much weight. Well....we'll see.
I'm not much that much for being preggo, but like I've said, I wasn't small to begin with.
Besides, I don't want to look like the fat one. I'd shoot for 180.
I needed a goal. Hopefully, I will be back to pre-pregnancy weight pretty quick. Then, it's the battle for the last 20.
Sweet a.
My SIL is getting married Labor Day weekend and I'm going to be a bridesmaid. Finally, I don't have to say "always a bride, never a bridesmaid" anymore. Ha ha! :)
I can lose 50 pounds this summer, right? I think that I'd better start walking on the treadmill now, so I stop gaining so much weight. Well....we'll see.
I'm not much that much for being preggo, but like I've said, I wasn't small to begin with.
Besides, I don't want to look like the fat one. I'd shoot for 180.
I needed a goal. Hopefully, I will be back to pre-pregnancy weight pretty quick. Then, it's the battle for the last 20.
Sweet a.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Raise your hand if you're annoyed with Babies R Us...
*raises hand*
Geez. So, the day that we signed up for a registry, we had also signed up for a rewards card. However, I guess that we didn't, because it wasn't in the system today. So, I signed up for a new one. If I have to go back and make a purchase, I guess I will. Whatever.
But, I did get to buy my gifts that I am sending to a "due date" buddy from my online group. I think I spent too much, but I don't care about that. Now, I just need to wander over to UPS to ship it out before March 1.
We were also thinking of buying our bath center that we registered for, but I think that I want something different now anyway, so I'm going to go online and pick out something else.
Jake's drywalling now and I may need to help at the drop of a hat.
Geez. So, the day that we signed up for a registry, we had also signed up for a rewards card. However, I guess that we didn't, because it wasn't in the system today. So, I signed up for a new one. If I have to go back and make a purchase, I guess I will. Whatever.
But, I did get to buy my gifts that I am sending to a "due date" buddy from my online group. I think I spent too much, but I don't care about that. Now, I just need to wander over to UPS to ship it out before March 1.
We were also thinking of buying our bath center that we registered for, but I think that I want something different now anyway, so I'm going to go online and pick out something else.
Jake's drywalling now and I may need to help at the drop of a hat.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Coming into the home stretch...
So, I am offically in the last trimester now. 28 weeks and counting, leaving 12 to go. Crazy. And, for the first, I actually look preggo and not just like a gained a bunch of weight in the stomach area. Well, I think so, anyway.
Maybe it's just the usual nighttime bloating in the stomach area.
I think that I've had a few fake/practice/Braxton-Hicks contractions, but it's hard to stay. I just don't know.
I was supposed to have my monthly appt today, but I went in on Monday, because I wasn't feeling well and was having some cramping feelings, but all was well. Blood pressure was okay (I think), I only gained 3 pounds since the last appt (bringing my total, according to the doctor's office up to 13 lbs.; if you ask me it's more like 15 - 18 lbs, considering my illness at the beginning), pee test was fine and the baby's heartbeat was fine. He did a manual check as well and said the baby wasn't even down and everything was closed up tight. So, I just have to deal with the weird aches and pains.
I swear, the instant I hit 27 weeks, the back locked up. I have sore back ALL the time. It hurts so badly. I have Jake push on it a bit, just to get something to crack back there and usually, my spine does a good one. Yesterday, for instance, he was pushing and proding my spine area and it popped three times right in a row. And I felt a LOT better. I wish he were here right now to do the same, but he's off playing a gig in Chicago.
Also, he must be having growth spurts, because I am back to being as tired as I was in the 1st trimester, or very close to it. I'm forcing myself to stay up right now and it's only 9:40. V. tired. He has also be VERY active the past few days. It's really starting to become rather painful. I think that I'll have to go back to playing horn after he's here to get those tummy muscles back in shape. I did have good muscles under my fat layer.
In other news,
I am going to try to work on the bathroom this weekend. I also have plans to run over to Babies R Us and get a gift for one of the girls that I am on a preggo board online with -- we are having a virtual shower. So, I want to go buy her gifts and mail them to her ASAP. I just have to sand the layer of mud in the bathroom and make sure that it all looks fairly decent and paint with the texture paint for primer and then paint the blue. Then, the shelves need to go up and we'll be done with that. I doubt that I'll be able to do all of that this weekend, but I can dream. I guess if I am done with it before March, that will be okay. The baby's room closet is ready for the rest of the drywall and we just need to finish cutting into the room in the back to make that closet. That really just needs a layer of drywall on the back wall and mudding and repainting. Oh, and a door. We can just hang the rack from the baby's room closet back there. Easy peasy, right? We'll see. If all that could just be done before Ryan gets here, I'll be happy. Ha ha!
Well, I'm going to lay down and try to sleep before I feel like throwing up even more than I do already.
Maybe it's just the usual nighttime bloating in the stomach area.
I think that I've had a few fake/practice/Braxton-Hicks contractions, but it's hard to stay. I just don't know.
I was supposed to have my monthly appt today, but I went in on Monday, because I wasn't feeling well and was having some cramping feelings, but all was well. Blood pressure was okay (I think), I only gained 3 pounds since the last appt (bringing my total, according to the doctor's office up to 13 lbs.; if you ask me it's more like 15 - 18 lbs, considering my illness at the beginning), pee test was fine and the baby's heartbeat was fine. He did a manual check as well and said the baby wasn't even down and everything was closed up tight. So, I just have to deal with the weird aches and pains.
I swear, the instant I hit 27 weeks, the back locked up. I have sore back ALL the time. It hurts so badly. I have Jake push on it a bit, just to get something to crack back there and usually, my spine does a good one. Yesterday, for instance, he was pushing and proding my spine area and it popped three times right in a row. And I felt a LOT better. I wish he were here right now to do the same, but he's off playing a gig in Chicago.
Also, he must be having growth spurts, because I am back to being as tired as I was in the 1st trimester, or very close to it. I'm forcing myself to stay up right now and it's only 9:40. V. tired. He has also be VERY active the past few days. It's really starting to become rather painful. I think that I'll have to go back to playing horn after he's here to get those tummy muscles back in shape. I did have good muscles under my fat layer.
In other news,
I am going to try to work on the bathroom this weekend. I also have plans to run over to Babies R Us and get a gift for one of the girls that I am on a preggo board online with -- we are having a virtual shower. So, I want to go buy her gifts and mail them to her ASAP. I just have to sand the layer of mud in the bathroom and make sure that it all looks fairly decent and paint with the texture paint for primer and then paint the blue. Then, the shelves need to go up and we'll be done with that. I doubt that I'll be able to do all of that this weekend, but I can dream. I guess if I am done with it before March, that will be okay. The baby's room closet is ready for the rest of the drywall and we just need to finish cutting into the room in the back to make that closet. That really just needs a layer of drywall on the back wall and mudding and repainting. Oh, and a door. We can just hang the rack from the baby's room closet back there. Easy peasy, right? We'll see. If all that could just be done before Ryan gets here, I'll be happy. Ha ha!
Well, I'm going to lay down and try to sleep before I feel like throwing up even more than I do already.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Oh yeah, I forgot about that password
I think. Dang it. I better go check.
Yep, I just checked. That's it. Sorry. I tried to make it simple and then I forgot to put it somehwere. Oops. I'll make a "sticky" over on the sidebar too.
So, I got my 6 diapers that I ordered TODAY!!! USPS from STL to MKE is super fast, I guess.

Sweet! So, that's a good start. I was probably money I shouldn't have really spent, but I really wanted to have some, so I could check them out.
I am almost done with my "birth record" that I've been cross stitching for months and months. I am working on the border right now and then there is just a few things to finish up, besides the date/weight, etc. I'll probably wait on the name too, just in case. :)
Then, I have a quilt in the same pattern that I can start OR I have this ABC afghan that I have been working on since last year that I can finish too. I think that I'm on Q. It's really cute.
I can't wait to have all the furniture for the nursery, so I can take pictures of what it really looks like. But, the closet needs to get finished first, before I do anything else in there. And we're currently waiting on Jake to make some illegal wiring legal. This house...everything that we find is just so not up to any sort of recent code. Blah. That will def be checked with the next house.
Yep, I just checked. That's it. Sorry. I tried to make it simple and then I forgot to put it somehwere. Oops. I'll make a "sticky" over on the sidebar too.
So, I got my 6 diapers that I ordered TODAY!!! USPS from STL to MKE is super fast, I guess.
Sweet! So, that's a good start. I was probably money I shouldn't have really spent, but I really wanted to have some, so I could check them out.
I am almost done with my "birth record" that I've been cross stitching for months and months. I am working on the border right now and then there is just a few things to finish up, besides the date/weight, etc. I'll probably wait on the name too, just in case. :)
Then, I have a quilt in the same pattern that I can start OR I have this ABC afghan that I have been working on since last year that I can finish too. I think that I'm on Q. It's really cute.
I can't wait to have all the furniture for the nursery, so I can take pictures of what it really looks like. But, the closet needs to get finished first, before I do anything else in there. And we're currently waiting on Jake to make some illegal wiring legal. This house...everything that we find is just so not up to any sort of recent code. Blah. That will def be checked with the next house.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A New/Different Registry
I picked a different wesbite for my cloth diaper registry. I used Kelly's Closet, because it's a more efficient online system. I love bumGenius still and it makes up my whole registry, but now if I need to make a change, it's instant, instead of having to email someone and wait for a couple of days. Woot!
I put the link on the side bar, of course. :) Feel free to peek at it.
And, as I have said before, I have registered for WAY too many diapers, hoping that I get enough.
Plus, I already bought 6 online from Cotton Babies. I want to look at them and start my stash. Now, we just need a functional closet in the baby's room. Oh, well, that and furniture.
I put the link on the side bar, of course. :) Feel free to peek at it.
And, as I have said before, I have registered for WAY too many diapers, hoping that I get enough.
Plus, I already bought 6 online from Cotton Babies. I want to look at them and start my stash. Now, we just need a functional closet in the baby's room. Oh, well, that and furniture.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Diapers! YAY!
I bought some diapers online just this minute! I'm very excited!
I got three One Size in two shades of blue and one white and three All-in-Ones in the same. It was $100, but it starts the stash. :) I'm really hoping to get enough so I don't have to wash everyday, except at the very beginning.
We also got some closets going in the house -- it's going to be very good!
I hope they come very fast -- it's only shipping from STL, so it's probably a good chance that they will come before the end of the week. I hope. I will cross my fingers and hope for the best. :)
That's pretty much all I've got today. Nothing new to report and no doctor visits for a week and a half.
But, "fluffy mail" is always good news. :)
I got three One Size in two shades of blue and one white and three All-in-Ones in the same. It was $100, but it starts the stash. :) I'm really hoping to get enough so I don't have to wash everyday, except at the very beginning.
We also got some closets going in the house -- it's going to be very good!
I hope they come very fast -- it's only shipping from STL, so it's probably a good chance that they will come before the end of the week. I hope. I will cross my fingers and hope for the best. :)
That's pretty much all I've got today. Nothing new to report and no doctor visits for a week and a half.
But, "fluffy mail" is always good news. :)
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