Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We're at the end!

HO-LY shit.

I have 5 1/2 more weeks. I have been pregnant on and off since January 2008. Think about that. Actually, in the span from Jan 2008 through May 2009, I will have NOT been pregnant about 3 1/2 months. GAH.

I think that he moved down a bit in the last week or so. I'm feeling a bit heavier down lower and there's more...activity...down there. Like punching and kicking and things. Although, I'm pretty sure that his head is pointed toward my left hip, which is sometimes painful and there are definitely feet nearby my right rib area. Jake was rubbing my back while I was laying on my side on the couch, which really gets him moving and I'm pretty sure that I felt a foot over on that side.

I'm 34 weeks and 2 days now. Two more weeks and I believe that I will be considered "to term" and if he shows up between April 12th (which is Easter) and May 10th (which is Mother's Day), I don't think he's considered premature anymore. Just early.

My boss is mentally preparing for me to be out early and I don't know why. Maybe she knows something I don't. :) But, I've reached the point where I need to start wrapping up loose ends at work and not opening any new cans of worms until I'm back in July.

Stupid HR didn't get my leave paperwork until Monday, even though I had faxed a month before that. I wish I worked for a company where the HQ was not in Florida. So, hopefully, they get cracking on that, because, there's only a month to go.

I don't plan on doing much my last week, except cleaning up any misc issues. I figure that I will probably turn over my work a couple of days before I leave, so they can make sure that it's all doable for them while I'm going, or if they need to redistribute work.

Shower is Saturday! There are 60 people who are attending! That's another Holy Shit! We invited a lot, thinking that, like a wedding, half would attend, which would have been about 40 people. But, I guess we got an 80% turnout rate instead. wow! I also have a few gifts that I have received in the mail so far, which I am saving to open on Saturday. My MIL would be so proud of me. I'm very excited to see some people and I hope that everyone has a good time. The weather is supposed to be very nice that day (keep your fingers crossed!), so that's a good thing.

Funny side story: My SIL is getting married in September and we are going to the local David's Bridal to order dresses before her color is discontinued. I talked to the girl on the phone when I made the appt and they are seriously going to make me and Kristine try on dresses 8 months pregnant. Which makes me laugh. Sure, I'll try on a dress with my big ole preggo belly in the way and my 25 extra pounds and then have you order me one in my pre-pregnancy size and pray to God that I fit into it in 5 months. Of course, my pre-preggo size is probably pretty close to what I am now, so I'm not super worried about it. But, I am going to laugh and I will post a picture of this debacle on Sunday. ha ha!

Well, I have new bedding to unpack right now and I really have to use the bathroom, so I will say good night.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Le sigh....

Why do I eat when I am just hungrier afterwards? Blah. So frustrating! I don't like to be hungry!

Also, I am hot all the time. I don't like this either, but luckily, but the time it's actually Spring in this state, Ryan will probably be born and I won't worry about being hot all the time. I did switch to Secret Clinical Strength for the extra sweatyness. Fun, right?

I purchased my bedding yesterday! $183.20 shipped and taxed. I had a 15% off coupon from BRU, which knocked a ton of money of the cost of the bedding itself. Shipping was still $12 and plus tax bumped it back up, but still less than the original cost of said bedding. So, I win.

Then, we went out to go buy the crib mattress I wanted and the BRU in Brookfield was out of the one I wanted, so we bought the next one up. Basically, got a slightly better mattress for the same as the original price of the one we were registered for, which had I waited another day, we would have had to pay! Sale ended yesterday. I really hope they have another sale start before the shower, but I doubt it. Which sucks. I'll keep my fingers crossed. They started the last one the first Friday of the month, so there's hope. :)

So, in a few short days (I hope), I will have something that resembles a nursery!

The closet will be done this weekend, come hell or high water, because with the shower next weekend, we will need the room cleaned out to put stuff. And Jake will not have time next weekend to do it. So, therefore....now. didi mao!

It shouldn't be too much more work. Cut some cutting of metal and screwing in of things. But, with Jake, you never know how he will take the annoyance of having to cut weird things. We'll see what happens....

Monday, March 23, 2009


We have our crib.

It wasn't too bad to put together.

Except for when the cats were fighting, knocked into some of the pieces, causing them to fall over and get dinged up before I could even put the darn thing together.

It made a loud noise, I swore really loudly and Jake, who wasn't feeling well and was upstairs sleeping had to make sure I was okay. Oops. I felt bad. I should have just yelled "I'm okay" right after it happened.

It's really much bigger than I was thinking. I think that I'm going to take the dresser that matches off the registry, because the room is just not big enough.

I'm really thinking that we're going to have to sell the house before child #2. And by that, I mean, we're going to have to try to sell the house very soon. It's just too small at this point. And I don't think it's worth trying to expand the upstairs and spending money on that like my parents.

I'm having buyers remorse after two years. Ha ha. :)

Part of me kind of wants to find a job in Madison, move out to Jefferson and Jake can drive to Waukesha driving west to east. But, I don't know what I would do. And we would really have to think about that very carefully. But, I think that maybe being farther away from the city would help Jake out -- I think that part of the issue of his throat over the past year has been living in the city when he hasn't really lived in a city ever.

Anyway...just thoughts...

The shower is looking like it's really going to be fun! There were 43 people confirmed coming and I know that there were people who will def be coming that aren't in the tally yet. So, I'm really looking forward to it. And I'm a registry stalker, so there are a few things off of it, which is really exciting to me! I love presents. :)

Ryan has really been getting pushy over the last week or so. I think that he's really running out of room. I think that he's also moving a bit -- maybe moving to the face down position? Not sure. The kicking and general harassment has moved around in the past couple of days.

The closet is very, very close to being completed, so then I can really get everything together and have it be done with. Not more construction stuff down there and I can clean the carpet and we'll be ready to put all of his stuff in there.

I'm thinking of moving the crib and the chair around right now, just because I won't be wanting the dresser, so I can have a different configuration if I want. Well, okay, I want the dresser, but there's no room for it, as previously stated.

Anyway, that's all I've got. Next doc appt is April 2nd. Then, they really begin to happen faster -- there is only one Thursday in April that I won't have to see the doc. I can't believe it. It's just amazing to me.

I waiver between wanting him to be here right now and being terrified out of my mind. Which is probably natural, I'm sure. I guess we'll see how it goes. It'll be an exciting ride, I'm sure. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

33 weeks

Okay, 7 to go.

My crib comes Monday! Sweet! It's on a truck in Cudahy at the Fed Ex place (prolly the airport) to go out for delivery on Monday. Luckily, Jake is having his throat scoped Monday afternoon and I might actually be here to have said crib delivered! If not, we'll have to go pick it up, because otherwise, we're not home during the day, you know?

Closet shelves just need to go up and that's donezo.

I'm getting more uncomfortable as we go here. My back is really the issue now. All the weight on the front is really killing me. Middle and upper parts hurt insanely bad a lot of the time. It is also hard to haul my big butt around now. GAH! I can't wait for him to be here and have my body back to myself.

Then, I will just need stuff and things.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tour Completed!

Jake and I went on the tour of Elmbrook Memorial Today. It was pretty nice. Very quiet and a very easy drive for us to get to. 15 mins, tops. The tour was really nice too. The nurse was very informative -- I just wish that I would have been able to go back in January, because I could have taken advantage of a few more of their services and stuff. With only 8 weeks to go (WOW!), there's not much time to do much else.

They are VERY pro-breastfeeding, which is awesome. The only supplement with regular formula if absolutely necessary and the only time they do paci's is when they circumcise the boys -- they put a little meds on the paci do divert the pain when they do the surgery. The baby can stay in the room with us and so can Jake. The rooms are HUGE!!! Seriously. There's a nice shower in the bathroom and a table and chairs, and a couch for Jake to sleep on.

There's a family waiting area with coffee and stuff for the parents and anyone, for when the doctor is in the room or whatever.

I'm not planning on having anyone else in the room with me and Jake, because I've had enough people looking at my lady business so far. Plus, it's SO gross. Yuck. I'd rather people just come see me after everything is done and I look a little better. And the baby is clean. Not full of gore.

So, I highly recommend Elmbrook Memorial if you're insurance covers it and your doc had privileges at the hospital. :)

I wasn't nervous before we went in and I'm still not nervous. I don't think that I will be. I'm just too laid back about it, I think. I don't know if/when the panic will set in about this. I've just been waiting SO LONG that maybe I will just be cool about everything. Maybe it's not denial, maybe it's just indifference or something.

Working on my closet yesterday. I can feel a battle about the closet set up brewing. Jake thinks it should be one way (as in the way it was) and I don't agree. Try telling him that. Argh!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who's totally NOT diabetic?

This guy! (or girl).

Passed my stupid 1 hr sugar test with a 107. Anything under 140 is sweet. I rock.

Or my pancreas rock. either way.

Nothing big to report from the doc otherwise. I go back in 3 weeks. Then 2 weeks after that. Then, every week after that until he's here. Wow. I'm down to the end.

I did gain 9 pounds over the last month -- yikes! I gotta slow down. But, I had a lot of hunger over the last month. Like right now. Boo. I want to eat, all the time.

Growth was good (says the doc); and the heartbeat is good. Right below my belly button this time, instead of in my belly button like the last two times. Which was always funny.

Shower invites went out and hopefully some of our friends can make it.

I'm still waiting for my crib to get shipped. I'm not really sure what the hell is taking so long. I would have just paid the extra $20 on BabiesRUs to have it already, honestly. It's free shipping there too. I emailed them today to find out what the heck is going on with it. BRU has some online right now, so I'm not really sure why it would take longer from this place, but I guess we'll find out.

The closet will be finished by the end of this weekend. Painted and everything. I'll make Jake sand her tomorrow night. I'll get the coat of primer/sandy stuff on in the morning and hopefully paint it blue sunday morning. I'm pretty excited about that. Then, I just need to touch up the trim in the room and we're done. Then, we'll just need furniture.

I'll post some pictures when all the misc stuff it out of the room and it's all clean and pretty. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Requested by Becky...


Okay, that took too much work to just add that here.

Anyway, I didn't really want to, but here is what I look like. It IS the end of day, keep in mind. :)

So, there you go Becky. Hope you're happy! ha ha!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Time rolls on

Really, there's only 9 weeks left. 8 weeks until I go on my maternity leave.

I'm still busy being in denial. I'm sure that I'll freak out at some point, but not yet.

Shower invites went out -- hopefully, you'll get yours soon. :)

So far, just my parents friends are coming. ha ha. That's okay. I know them. And they have known me since I was small.

Today I need to finish mudding the closet and then move all the tools/construction crap out of the baby's room. THEN, I need to steam clean the carpeting in there again, because I'm sure it's full of dust and other yuck. Then, I can paint on the texture and I'll paint the closet blue and then Jake can put up some shelves and hanging bars for me. Hopefully, by the end of next weekend, this will all be done. Because then the nursery will be finished, except for my furniture.

I think once his room is done, it will probably be more real to me and I will freak out. maybe. I just can't see myself doing it. I don't freak out too much anymore. I'm much more mellow. I'll freak out in my own special way.

Next appt on Thursday. I think that I might start going every two weeks after this, but I am not sure. I will be almost 32 weeks on Thursday, so you'd think it would probably be time for semi-weekly appts. Then, at 36 weeks, I assume I get to go once a week until I explode.

What a road this has been. I can't believe we're coming down to the end of it. It's been over a year since I was first pregnant and over a year since the first miscarriage. I was so young and innocent then. HA! Seriously, that sort of thing really changes how you feel about getting/being pregnant. I am very happy for the people who have had no problems, because it's not something I'd wish on my worst enemy. It just sucks. And what they say about the pregnancy memory is true -- I remember how bad I felt while I had morning sickness/all day sickness, but once it was gone, I didn't care. All the aches and pains and weight gain and whatever -- it won't matter.

And I'll do it again. But, probably not for at least 2-3 years.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh, two posts in one day

So, I took the sugar water test.

It's basically what I thought. You pee for them, so they can test your pee to make sure you're okay to drink the glucose stuff; you drink the orange soda pop/sugar water from a bottle (or cup) in 5-7 mins. I think that I had mine down in 3 mins.

Then, wait 1 hour.

I was doing okay, then my tummy kinda hurt and I was burpy (which I think was more from my dinner than the stuff), then I kind of woke up and it was time to have my blood drawn and leave. yay!

Now, the baby is moving a lot, but I think that he was sleeping most of the day, so I kind of expected him to be more active. And now I'm just hanging out until I finally crash from the sugar explosion. Which feels like it's coming on very soon.

I think that I'll go have some ice cream. Yum.

Finally gonna do it...

I've procrastinated long enough. I'm gonna do it.

Stupid Glucose Tolerance Test.

The lab is open until 8pm and Jake has rehearsal tonight, so I'm going to run over to the lab at 6pm and pee in a cup for them, drink a bottle of liquid sugar and sit for a hour to have my blood drawn. WHOOPIE!!!!!

I've put it off for two weeks, and I need to go do it before my appt a week from Thursday. So, I better go sooner rather than later. grrrrr....

I also have some concerns that Ryan isn't growing enough, after a couple people have commented to me that I'm not that big for only having 10 weeks left to go. Which I agree with. So, next appt, that question gets asked. He always measures where the top of my uterus is at my appts, but he never gets out the measuring tape that you always see on the shows and stuff.

I think that this doc is just too laid back for me. Oh well. Only a little bit of time left to go. I need to ask Dr. Olson if he takes care of babies, otherwise, I need to find a decent pediatrician. I will probably ask my friend Heidi at work, because she's as anal as me sometimes and she seems to like her pedi.

Next baby (which I am voting for not until 2011, at least!), I will go to Dr. Olson OR try the docs at Milwaukee OBGYN on Mayfair Road.

Okay, I had plans to try to get to work early today, but I just don't see it happening. I think that I'm going back to my 7:30 to 4 schedule soon. I am tired of sitting there until 4:30.

Off to start my day!