I am just totally out of room here.
Jake is putting the changing table together as I sit on my butt and type this. This is the last piece of furniture that we needed to have a functional room. So, basically, he can come anytime now. Maybe wait until after we meet the pediatrician a week from Wednesday, but really...I'm done.
I'm tired of the following:
1. Being kicked or having various body parts shoved into my ribs and/or left hip.
2. Not being able to sleep on my stomach
3. Back pain in weird areas
4. A stomach I can't see around
5. Feeling like I gained 5 pounds during the day
I could go on, but I won't. *and there was much rejoicing*
Best I can figure, he's laying head down, with head pointed at my left hip (because I feel pressure there occassionally) and butt pointed toward my right ribs. Hopefully, he's facing rear, so he can be born correctly. And when he hiccups, which has been a couple of times, I can feel it way down low, so I assume that he is head down. Maybe not though. I plan on asking on Thursday to see if the doctor can tell which way he's pointing.
I have a doc appt every week now until he's here. I'm actually looking forward to seeing if I'm effaced/dilated/whatever at the next appt. I'm sure that I'm not, BUT, it will be interesting. Not that I want to have a hand up in my business.
OH, speaking of being up in my lady business, my mom finally asked me about being in the room at the birth, because someone asked her and we both agreed that it would probably just be Jake in there with me. Because, you need someone to curse and swear at during the process. We'll probably just call them and have them wait in the waiting room -- they can see him once he's a little cleaner and prettier. Same for me.
I did start to gather things for my bag to take to the hospital, but some of it is hard to pack now -- it's stuff that I would grab at the last minute (like camera, lappy, etc.). But, I got some travel size items to take with me, so I can shower and feel human post birth. I have to go check out Target this week (or weekend) for some nursing tanks and a light weight robe. And some giant undies for the hospital. Because, let's face it: birth is just gross.
Jake did say the magic words to me over the weekend: You don't have to breastfeed, if you don't want to. I mean, I'll give it a shot, because a) it's free and b) it really is supposed to be better for the baby. But, one of my friends has formula fed her little girl and she's totally fine. I'm just not sure if I really am committed to it or not. And if you're not committed, I bet it makes it harder. Plus, I didn't plan on going that long -- only 3 months or so. I just don't know. Formula is SUPER expensive. IDK. I'm torn. Mostly for "selfish" reasons. Like, I don't want to get up every two hours. I'd prefer if Jake could do a feeding or two. I've heard of parents doing shifts of like 9p - 2a and 2a - 7a, so each parent can get some decent sleep. And I want to drink again.
Finally, I purchased a t shirt and yoga pants from Vicky's Secret recently -- they gave out these gift cards that could be 10, 50, 100 or 500 bucks. So, I picked a couple of items and used it -- and mine was FIFTY!!! So, my shirt and pants cost me $16.52! I was stoked. So, basically, this will be my "not fat" anymore outfit -- when it looks decent on me again (besides being able to fit into my old jeans again), I will consider myself back to pre-preggo status. I'd just like to be back to 200 at this point.
I did order a bridesmaids dress in a size that will need to be taken in hardcore, but it made me feel good. Actually, I could have ordered an 18, I think, but I didn't want to take the chance that my ribs were really too big for the size.
I think after my appt on Thursday, when I find out where he is and where we are, I am going to start walking at night after work, if the weather is nice. At least around the block or something. The geneticist said the the best way to get the baby to come was to exercise. I won't go CRAZY, but I should start walking anyway, because I have turned into a big blob.