So, I had another ultrasound today, because we weren't finding the heartbeat in the office at my appts. Which makes sense, since they had me at 10w4d today. It's too early to hear through my tummy. Sweet!
The baby was measuring, clearly, 10w4d today, when based on my due date (which is totally inaccurate anyway) says I should be 11 weeks. Oh well. What can you do?
The baby was wiggling all over the place and it was really cool to see. The heart was beating away -- 167 BPM. At one point, the baby was curled up and she (I'm gonna say it's a girl until told otherwise) stretched out her little legs for a second or two and then back to curled up.
It was really really neat and it made me feel a lot better. So, now I have to just call the doc tomorrow and I'll probably have to go to back to the doc in a couple weeks to listen for the heartbeat again.
So, I guess that I feel confident enough to start telling people. And by that, I mean, making this blog public and not really saying much else other than that. I'll have more to tell eventually.
The Morning sickness (or in my case, all-day nausea that causes me to have trouble eating) has really been kicked down by the zofran and just general remedies, like ginger ale and just eating smaller meals more often through out the day. Tonight, I was even able to crush four pieces of Toppers, which is probably the most I've eaten in one sitting in a while. I'm hoping that it will totally go away in the next couple of weeks. But, I believe that my goal of making it past my birthday is well in hand. I'm really thinking that we're going to have a honest to goodness baby in May! Woot!
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