Tuesday, October 21, 2008

11 weeks 2 days

And I still feel like throwing up at any given moment.

Such as right now. I don't know if it's because I digest food SOOOO slowly now that my stomach feels like death or what. But, I seriously feel like I'm going to have to dash for the bathroom any moment. And that just sucks.

I mean, I guess it's a good thing, but it's official: I do not like being pregnant.
I find it to be hard on me, considering that I have trouble with changes and every day is something new.

Jake's mom is here right now and it's wonderful. But, I never do anything. I've just been sitting around and doing nothing because I feel so terrible most of the time.

Ugh, seriously. I've got that watery feeling. I feel like just getting up and doing it so it's done with.

Nothing new otherwise. Next doc appt is Nov. 6th at 4:45pm, so I won't miss any work. I will be 14 weeks by then, so we should be hearing a heartbeat in the office pretty well. I think maybe I could even have a gender scan sometime in November, if lucky. Maybe early December. I'll have to see what the doc says.

I'm getting some pressure from one of the older ladies at work who knows that I am preggo to tell people. I will, when I feel confident about this. And I'm not sure when that will be. I said that I would tell people when I bring treats in next Monday (for my Sunday birthday), but we'll see. I don't feel like disclosing. And frankly, being pressured to tell people a) makes me want to do the opposite and b) pisses me off.

Oh well. I shouldn't be that upset about it. My feelings are that everyone who I feel should know, knows and the only reason that this lady knows is because she asked me about it and I didn't deny it. If she hadn't asked me, then she wouldn't know either. so there.

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