Sunday, November 23, 2008

16 weeks

Wow! Neat.

I had my appt on Thursday. It took me 10 mins or so. I waited for 45 min. Oops. No more 4:45 appts. I went with a 3:15 on Dec. 18th for my next one. Hopefully, he won't be so backed up by 3:15 on a Thursday.

The other problem is that they schedule 15 min segments of time. So, if someone takes 20 or 25 and the doc takes 5 to do his post appt paperwork, then that's already 15 mins behind and repeat. They should really be scheduling 20 mins segments.

But, we got the heartbeat and everything. So, four more weeks and THEN I get to have my gender ultrasound! I don't want to WAIT!!!! I almost want to call him back and ask if I can have the paperwork and schedule the u/s before my next appt, so we can talk about it at that one. He likes to wait until between 18 and 20 weeks. I'll be 20 weeks at my next appt, so I'll be closer to 21 before I have the stupid ultrasound! I'M SO IMPATIENT!!! Plus, I wanted to pick some stuff for Christmas, in case parents felt like getting baby stuff. I do have my bedding picked out, so maybe I can get some of that for Christmas. I may order one roll of the border for myself, so I can pick out paint colors and paint while I'm on vacation before Christmas. We'll see.

Nothing new to report otherwise. Just me being impatient. I want to know!!! :)

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