Friday, March 27, 2009

Le sigh....

Why do I eat when I am just hungrier afterwards? Blah. So frustrating! I don't like to be hungry!

Also, I am hot all the time. I don't like this either, but luckily, but the time it's actually Spring in this state, Ryan will probably be born and I won't worry about being hot all the time. I did switch to Secret Clinical Strength for the extra sweatyness. Fun, right?

I purchased my bedding yesterday! $183.20 shipped and taxed. I had a 15% off coupon from BRU, which knocked a ton of money of the cost of the bedding itself. Shipping was still $12 and plus tax bumped it back up, but still less than the original cost of said bedding. So, I win.

Then, we went out to go buy the crib mattress I wanted and the BRU in Brookfield was out of the one I wanted, so we bought the next one up. Basically, got a slightly better mattress for the same as the original price of the one we were registered for, which had I waited another day, we would have had to pay! Sale ended yesterday. I really hope they have another sale start before the shower, but I doubt it. Which sucks. I'll keep my fingers crossed. They started the last one the first Friday of the month, so there's hope. :)

So, in a few short days (I hope), I will have something that resembles a nursery!

The closet will be done this weekend, come hell or high water, because with the shower next weekend, we will need the room cleaned out to put stuff. And Jake will not have time next weekend to do it. So, didi mao!

It shouldn't be too much more work. Cut some cutting of metal and screwing in of things. But, with Jake, you never know how he will take the annoyance of having to cut weird things. We'll see what happens....

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