Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We're at the end!

HO-LY shit.

I have 5 1/2 more weeks. I have been pregnant on and off since January 2008. Think about that. Actually, in the span from Jan 2008 through May 2009, I will have NOT been pregnant about 3 1/2 months. GAH.

I think that he moved down a bit in the last week or so. I'm feeling a bit heavier down lower and there's more...activity...down there. Like punching and kicking and things. Although, I'm pretty sure that his head is pointed toward my left hip, which is sometimes painful and there are definitely feet nearby my right rib area. Jake was rubbing my back while I was laying on my side on the couch, which really gets him moving and I'm pretty sure that I felt a foot over on that side.

I'm 34 weeks and 2 days now. Two more weeks and I believe that I will be considered "to term" and if he shows up between April 12th (which is Easter) and May 10th (which is Mother's Day), I don't think he's considered premature anymore. Just early.

My boss is mentally preparing for me to be out early and I don't know why. Maybe she knows something I don't. :) But, I've reached the point where I need to start wrapping up loose ends at work and not opening any new cans of worms until I'm back in July.

Stupid HR didn't get my leave paperwork until Monday, even though I had faxed a month before that. I wish I worked for a company where the HQ was not in Florida. So, hopefully, they get cracking on that, because, there's only a month to go.

I don't plan on doing much my last week, except cleaning up any misc issues. I figure that I will probably turn over my work a couple of days before I leave, so they can make sure that it's all doable for them while I'm going, or if they need to redistribute work.

Shower is Saturday! There are 60 people who are attending! That's another Holy Shit! We invited a lot, thinking that, like a wedding, half would attend, which would have been about 40 people. But, I guess we got an 80% turnout rate instead. wow! I also have a few gifts that I have received in the mail so far, which I am saving to open on Saturday. My MIL would be so proud of me. I'm very excited to see some people and I hope that everyone has a good time. The weather is supposed to be very nice that day (keep your fingers crossed!), so that's a good thing.

Funny side story: My SIL is getting married in September and we are going to the local David's Bridal to order dresses before her color is discontinued. I talked to the girl on the phone when I made the appt and they are seriously going to make me and Kristine try on dresses 8 months pregnant. Which makes me laugh. Sure, I'll try on a dress with my big ole preggo belly in the way and my 25 extra pounds and then have you order me one in my pre-pregnancy size and pray to God that I fit into it in 5 months. Of course, my pre-preggo size is probably pretty close to what I am now, so I'm not super worried about it. But, I am going to laugh and I will post a picture of this debacle on Sunday. ha ha!

Well, I have new bedding to unpack right now and I really have to use the bathroom, so I will say good night.

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