Saturday, March 21, 2009

33 weeks

Okay, 7 to go.

My crib comes Monday! Sweet! It's on a truck in Cudahy at the Fed Ex place (prolly the airport) to go out for delivery on Monday. Luckily, Jake is having his throat scoped Monday afternoon and I might actually be here to have said crib delivered! If not, we'll have to go pick it up, because otherwise, we're not home during the day, you know?

Closet shelves just need to go up and that's donezo.

I'm getting more uncomfortable as we go here. My back is really the issue now. All the weight on the front is really killing me. Middle and upper parts hurt insanely bad a lot of the time. It is also hard to haul my big butt around now. GAH! I can't wait for him to be here and have my body back to myself.

Then, I will just need stuff and things.

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