I am seriously terrified of my child nowadays. When he starts to wake up from naps, I can feel my blood pressure rise at the mere sound of his squeaking, which used to be cute.
Wednesday was fine. Thursday, we were back to eating too much, throwing up and generally screaming for hours and hours. Finally, he passed out around 10 pm Thursday night and actually sleep until 2am. Then, up at 5:30am. Then up at 6:30am. He doesn't sleep much past 6am. Which sucks. Friday -- more screaming. Even my mom is troubled by it. He used to be such a quiet baby. He is just awake for hours and hours and finally, he passes out to sleep. Last night, it was around 9pm. Then, up at midnight. And then 2. And then 5. Then, he was up from 5:30am this morning, until about 12 noon. Then, he slept only like 30 mins. Finally, we took him for a car ride around 2:30 and went down to the Milwaukee Public Market, just because it was a long care ride in town. He's been sleeping pretty much since then, which he needs to do, but at the same time, I know that he's going to up later tonight. Sigh. I should really take a nap.
We're just going to totally switch over to formula and see if that helps at all. I'm going to pump to keep up with the BF part, but if my milk is going to make him insanely gassy, then what's the point of doing it, you know? If formula makes him a little happier and quieter and able to rest, then I'm all for that. Not reason to feed him enough, but have him be upset all the time.
At least car rides put him to sleep. Thank God.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I feel guilty, but at the same time, it's finally quiet
Ryan has turned from good baby to colicky baby in the past week. Well, if it's not colicky, then he's just a big ol' fuss baby. Both of which are annoying, but at least the fuss baby will shut up every once and a while.
He's started getting crazy fussy in the evenings, around 5-6 pm. Side note: the cat just scraped his butt on the couch and is presently trying to cover the smell. Asshole.
Last night, he ate too much, threw up on himself and a little on me, which freaked me out and then proceeded to want to eat more, which freaked me out even more. I think that he must be having a growth spurt here and just wants to eat and eat and eat.
But, the screaming is what gets to me.
So, we were at the doctor this morning -- he's up to 6 lbs 12 oz., which is perfect growth -- they like to see a 1/2 oz to 1 oz. per day and he gained 7 oz. in the week. We got all our questions answered and I feel marginally better. Plus, I know that I can give him a bottle okay and formula with an issue from the pedi. And we know we can give him Mylicon for gas if we think it does something -- the pedi says it doesn't really do anything.
But, he started screaming last night and Jake was at rehearsal for Spanglish and finally I had to give in and call my mom and dad to come over -- which I always feel badly about, since it's always 8pm when I call, desperate for help. So, they came over, Dad got him to fall asleep and when I took him upstairs to lay him in the basinette, he woke up screaming again. So, Jake had to take over, because I was too exhausted from the previous 3 hours to get up. But, I did get to sleep a bit. And he slept a bit overnight, but he was screaming and fussy this morning again.
After we got back from the doctor, I was trying to feed him, but he kept eating, fussing, pulling off and screaming. Over and over. No matter boob or bottle. Finally, I got him to eat a good amount and then when he started screaming again, I just gave up and threw him in the swing and pretended he wasn't crying. Which he finally stopped and fell asleep around 5 mins ago. Which is what I should be doing, honestly. Sleeping. Right after I spray stuff on the couch to cover the cats smelly ass. Stupid jerk cat. What a morning. I can't wait for Jake to get home. Or for the Brewer game to be over -- I might ask Mom if she can stop by. I was going to run out to the Waukesha County Courthouse for Ryan's Birth Certificate, but I am too freakin' tired. BLAH.
He's started getting crazy fussy in the evenings, around 5-6 pm. Side note: the cat just scraped his butt on the couch and is presently trying to cover the smell. Asshole.
Last night, he ate too much, threw up on himself and a little on me, which freaked me out and then proceeded to want to eat more, which freaked me out even more. I think that he must be having a growth spurt here and just wants to eat and eat and eat.
But, the screaming is what gets to me.
So, we were at the doctor this morning -- he's up to 6 lbs 12 oz., which is perfect growth -- they like to see a 1/2 oz to 1 oz. per day and he gained 7 oz. in the week. We got all our questions answered and I feel marginally better. Plus, I know that I can give him a bottle okay and formula with an issue from the pedi. And we know we can give him Mylicon for gas if we think it does something -- the pedi says it doesn't really do anything.
But, he started screaming last night and Jake was at rehearsal for Spanglish and finally I had to give in and call my mom and dad to come over -- which I always feel badly about, since it's always 8pm when I call, desperate for help. So, they came over, Dad got him to fall asleep and when I took him upstairs to lay him in the basinette, he woke up screaming again. So, Jake had to take over, because I was too exhausted from the previous 3 hours to get up. But, I did get to sleep a bit. And he slept a bit overnight, but he was screaming and fussy this morning again.
After we got back from the doctor, I was trying to feed him, but he kept eating, fussing, pulling off and screaming. Over and over. No matter boob or bottle. Finally, I got him to eat a good amount and then when he started screaming again, I just gave up and threw him in the swing and pretended he wasn't crying. Which he finally stopped and fell asleep around 5 mins ago. Which is what I should be doing, honestly. Sleeping. Right after I spray stuff on the couch to cover the cats smelly ass. Stupid jerk cat. What a morning. I can't wait for Jake to get home. Or for the Brewer game to be over -- I might ask Mom if she can stop by. I was going to run out to the Waukesha County Courthouse for Ryan's Birth Certificate, but I am too freakin' tired. BLAH.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Time is flying, but dragging by
I can't believe it was a week ago that I last posted, but it has truly seemed like the longest week ever.
We took Ryan to the doctor on Wednesday around 11:15, which was a HUGE mistake. They took us back to the room right on time. Unfortunately, the doctor was running 45 mins late, so he was starving. I was thinking that they would be right on time, so we would have been home by the time that we were being seen by the pedi. Jake and I were both really upset. Then, she walks in and says, go ahead and feed him -- do what you have to do. Jake said "It would have been nice to know that before". ha ha! Like I said, we were both pist.
The little monster gained almost 3/4 of a pound! He was 6 lb. 5 oz., but I think he gave back an ounce or two immediately, when he pooped his diaper. Still, he's already back to birth weight in a week, which is really good. He was clearly struggling inside of me and now that he's out, he's much better. In fact, we "weighed" him yesterday and we think that he might even be close to 7 lbs. now. GEEZ!! Fatty McFatterson.
And, I am officially done with breastfeeding. I'm talking to the doctor about what formula to put him on and how to handle all the gas that he has. He really has trouble with gas and pooping some days and really struggles with it.
Oh boy -- NBC Special Report. and crying baby. Gotta go!
We took Ryan to the doctor on Wednesday around 11:15, which was a HUGE mistake. They took us back to the room right on time. Unfortunately, the doctor was running 45 mins late, so he was starving. I was thinking that they would be right on time, so we would have been home by the time that we were being seen by the pedi. Jake and I were both really upset. Then, she walks in and says, go ahead and feed him -- do what you have to do. Jake said "It would have been nice to know that before". ha ha! Like I said, we were both pist.
The little monster gained almost 3/4 of a pound! He was 6 lb. 5 oz., but I think he gave back an ounce or two immediately, when he pooped his diaper. Still, he's already back to birth weight in a week, which is really good. He was clearly struggling inside of me and now that he's out, he's much better. In fact, we "weighed" him yesterday and we think that he might even be close to 7 lbs. now. GEEZ!! Fatty McFatterson.
And, I am officially done with breastfeeding. I'm talking to the doctor about what formula to put him on and how to handle all the gas that he has. He really has trouble with gas and pooping some days and really struggles with it.
Oh boy -- NBC Special Report. and crying baby. Gotta go!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I keep trying to post, but it doesn't seem to work out...
I think that I should be more successful right now, because Ryan is sleeping in the swing.
To finish the story of Ryan's arrival:
They took me in the OR and did the spinal, so I was paralyzed from the ribs down. I did manage to keep feeling the poking needle, but I think that was my brain overworking. They did the c section and they did have a bit of trouble delivering him that way too -- I heard the doctor request foreceps at one point, but the surgical assistant and the doctor did manage to get him out without using them. He pretty much cried right away and got apgar scores of 8 and 9 (at 1 min and 5 min).
Ryan had a skinny cord, which wasn't supplying enough nutrition to him (hence the reason that my big butt gave birth to a little tiny thing) and his cord was wrapped around his shoulders and above his head. I think it's called a prolasped cord, but mine was not as serious as it could have been. I would say that I had a semi-emergency c-section.
He was overdue/past term because he had little old man hands and feet when he came out and he has a lot of dry peeling skin.
Otherwise, he was totally perfect...well, except the fact that his little testicles did not descend prior to birth -- one is kind of where it should be and the other is still WAY up in his abdomen. The one that is way up there will probably require surgery when he's around 6 months old or so, but we'll see what happens...maybe a miracle will occur and it will come down on its own too.
The hospital stay was long. I ended up with a minor spinal headache -- which felt like a migrane to me -- light sensitivity, nausea -- and a MAJOR tension headache, which ran up my shoulders into my neck, into the back of my head. BLAH!
So, when we came home Sunday, I was in pretty rough shape. Lots of caffeine and Sudafed solved it by Tuesday. And the tension headache was gone after a day or two at home as well. Too bad all the caffeine kept Ryan up that first night, all crazy, which made me crazy too. He sleeps upstairs with us for now, in the Pack N Play. It works out pretty much okay.
I am breastfeeding, which is as easy as it sounds. You just put the baby where he needs to go and he knows exactly what to do...SARCASM'D'D'D!
As I had previously blogged, I was not sure about this whole process. I never was, but I was willing to give it a whirl and see if it was something that I really was okay with. I know that a week is really not a fair trial, but between caring for a new baby, this whole being totally attached to the baby because I'm the food source and just being totally destroyed mentally, I am donzo with this.
I am just going to start pumping whatever I have and give him bottles -- there are times when I probably will be a bit lazy to pump and I can certain give him the food directly, but I need someone else to be able to give him a bottle every once and a while. This will make me happier, which will hopefully make Ryan happier. And when Jake comes home and my mom leaves to go back to her house, I won't be a crying mess, like I was every day this week so far. I hit the wall on this yesterday -- I think that he must have another growth spurt on, because he is just eating like a freak and I can't handle having him attached to me every 20 mins for 4 hours.
Whatever makes the mom happy is what should happen, IMO. I'm still not sure of the bottles either, because we didn't learn to bottle feed in the hospital, but it doesn't seem to hard and I have books to read up on this stuff.
I do feel bad for Jake -- we'll have to come up with a different schedule for feeding. I think that for the most part, I will probably just pump and bottle feed him, but there were a couple of times last night where it was just easier to pull out a lady part and feed him. Jake looks so tired all the time -- not that I don't, but I can stay home and I have Mom to help me with him. Jake has to work all day and then come home to crazy me.
Ryan sure does fart a lot and it's REALLY funny. I don't think that it will ever reach a point where it's not funny.
I am healing pretty quickly, which is a good thing. There is some numbness around my incision, which is expected. They cut a lot of nerves down there. I have also already lost half of what I gained -- so, like 17 pounds to go on the weight loss. And then, I'm going to try for 10 more, but we'll see where we are in July/August.
I guess that about sums everything up. I'm not real sure what I'm going to do when Mom doesn't have to come over anymore because I can drive and I'll be totally alone with him. Others have done it, so I can too. I think. Now, time for a nap. Maybe.
To finish the story of Ryan's arrival:
They took me in the OR and did the spinal, so I was paralyzed from the ribs down. I did manage to keep feeling the poking needle, but I think that was my brain overworking. They did the c section and they did have a bit of trouble delivering him that way too -- I heard the doctor request foreceps at one point, but the surgical assistant and the doctor did manage to get him out without using them. He pretty much cried right away and got apgar scores of 8 and 9 (at 1 min and 5 min).
Ryan had a skinny cord, which wasn't supplying enough nutrition to him (hence the reason that my big butt gave birth to a little tiny thing) and his cord was wrapped around his shoulders and above his head. I think it's called a prolasped cord, but mine was not as serious as it could have been. I would say that I had a semi-emergency c-section.
He was overdue/past term because he had little old man hands and feet when he came out and he has a lot of dry peeling skin.
Otherwise, he was totally perfect...well, except the fact that his little testicles did not descend prior to birth -- one is kind of where it should be and the other is still WAY up in his abdomen. The one that is way up there will probably require surgery when he's around 6 months old or so, but we'll see what happens...maybe a miracle will occur and it will come down on its own too.
The hospital stay was long. I ended up with a minor spinal headache -- which felt like a migrane to me -- light sensitivity, nausea -- and a MAJOR tension headache, which ran up my shoulders into my neck, into the back of my head. BLAH!
So, when we came home Sunday, I was in pretty rough shape. Lots of caffeine and Sudafed solved it by Tuesday. And the tension headache was gone after a day or two at home as well. Too bad all the caffeine kept Ryan up that first night, all crazy, which made me crazy too. He sleeps upstairs with us for now, in the Pack N Play. It works out pretty much okay.
I am breastfeeding, which is as easy as it sounds. You just put the baby where he needs to go and he knows exactly what to do...SARCASM'D'D'D!
As I had previously blogged, I was not sure about this whole process. I never was, but I was willing to give it a whirl and see if it was something that I really was okay with. I know that a week is really not a fair trial, but between caring for a new baby, this whole being totally attached to the baby because I'm the food source and just being totally destroyed mentally, I am donzo with this.
I am just going to start pumping whatever I have and give him bottles -- there are times when I probably will be a bit lazy to pump and I can certain give him the food directly, but I need someone else to be able to give him a bottle every once and a while. This will make me happier, which will hopefully make Ryan happier. And when Jake comes home and my mom leaves to go back to her house, I won't be a crying mess, like I was every day this week so far. I hit the wall on this yesterday -- I think that he must have another growth spurt on, because he is just eating like a freak and I can't handle having him attached to me every 20 mins for 4 hours.
Whatever makes the mom happy is what should happen, IMO. I'm still not sure of the bottles either, because we didn't learn to bottle feed in the hospital, but it doesn't seem to hard and I have books to read up on this stuff.
I do feel bad for Jake -- we'll have to come up with a different schedule for feeding. I think that for the most part, I will probably just pump and bottle feed him, but there were a couple of times last night where it was just easier to pull out a lady part and feed him. Jake looks so tired all the time -- not that I don't, but I can stay home and I have Mom to help me with him. Jake has to work all day and then come home to crazy me.
Ryan sure does fart a lot and it's REALLY funny. I don't think that it will ever reach a point where it's not funny.
I am healing pretty quickly, which is a good thing. There is some numbness around my incision, which is expected. They cut a lot of nerves down there. I have also already lost half of what I gained -- so, like 17 pounds to go on the weight loss. And then, I'm going to try for 10 more, but we'll see where we are in July/August.
I guess that about sums everything up. I'm not real sure what I'm going to do when Mom doesn't have to come over anymore because I can drive and I'll be totally alone with him. Others have done it, so I can too. I think. Now, time for a nap. Maybe.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Welcome Ryan Joshua!
He's here! Born 5/13/09 at 8:41pm via c-section.
I did go to the hospital yesterday, thinking that they would just send me home after they monitored me.
I was having contractions, but very strange ones. So, they had me on the monitors for a while and at some point, his heart rate started to drop during a contraction and then come back up. The doctor was concerned, because this really seemed like a cord issue, as apposed to a placental issue. So, the best course of action was to just deliver him.
So, into the OR I went, which was very weird -- I felt like a science experiment, all the way.
More later...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Just gross...
I wish that I would have had the balls to take a pic of what just came out of me. Sorry, folks, we're down to the gross stuff of being pregnant now.
Lost my mucus plug this morning. Totally gross. liek OMG. Think the worst cold you've ever had, except it ain't comin' out of your nose.
Yep, it's 3:20 am and I don't care what I'm talking about at this point. suckers.
I've been having random contractions for the past 24 hours or so and since 2am this morning (like the last hour), they are getting more consistent and closer together. I've been timing them using 'Contraction Master' online. It does the job. Better than my waking up, looking at the clock and going back to sleep. Or trying anyway.
At least when I call the doctor's office this morning, I can report what's been happening and see if maybe he wants to do something different than the plan.
Just had a contraction now. I have to breathe through them now and I've barely started the journey -- this is why I have to take drugs -- I would a big ball of puking incoherence by the time I got to the end. And let's be honest, I'll probably get to that part anyway.
They really suck too. You can feel them start and really can't do jack about it. I'm not sure if I should take some pain killers so I can sleep or what -- I'd like this to keep going, so I can get this kid out of me, so I don't want to kill them by taking something for them, you know?
I think that 5/13 is a perfectly good day for a birthday. Don't you agree?
Since I MIGHT end up in the hospital today (oh please, oh please, oh please), maybe I'll update later today. Otherwise, check the ol' Fbook for status updates, as I can get them in.
Lost my mucus plug this morning. Totally gross. liek OMG. Think the worst cold you've ever had, except it ain't comin' out of your nose.
Yep, it's 3:20 am and I don't care what I'm talking about at this point. suckers.
I've been having random contractions for the past 24 hours or so and since 2am this morning (like the last hour), they are getting more consistent and closer together. I've been timing them using 'Contraction Master' online. It does the job. Better than my waking up, looking at the clock and going back to sleep. Or trying anyway.
At least when I call the doctor's office this morning, I can report what's been happening and see if maybe he wants to do something different than the plan.
Just had a contraction now. I have to breathe through them now and I've barely started the journey -- this is why I have to take drugs -- I would a big ball of puking incoherence by the time I got to the end. And let's be honest, I'll probably get to that part anyway.
They really suck too. You can feel them start and really can't do jack about it. I'm not sure if I should take some pain killers so I can sleep or what -- I'd like this to keep going, so I can get this kid out of me, so I don't want to kill them by taking something for them, you know?
I think that 5/13 is a perfectly good day for a birthday. Don't you agree?
Since I MIGHT end up in the hospital today (oh please, oh please, oh please), maybe I'll update later today. Otherwise, check the ol' Fbook for status updates, as I can get them in.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Overdue and cranky
Mostly cranky at the doctor though.
I don't really mind being overdue, so much in that I just want him to be here, so I can get started in on that.
It's very depressing being totally ready for something that isn't coming. I'm close to cracking.
TMI alert!!!!
So, I guess I never blogged this -- Friday afternoon, I had a lot more discharge of "stuff" than I normally have, and it had a bit of pink in it. And Saturday morning, there was more, but this time it was featuring brown (which is old blood).
Continuing on....
I told the doctor about the discharge I have been experiencing since Saturday morning, and he basically just attributed it to the internal exam I had Thursday. Seems logical, right? Unless you factor in the part where I haven't spotted from an internal exam EVER in my life. The only time I have spotted was either my girlie no-no time or my miscarriages. Oh, and one time with this little guy, but clearly that worked out just fine.
Then, they want me to call Wednesday, to find out his schedule for Friday, so I can come back, since he's out of the office Thursday afternoon (his normal office hours). During my check today, I guess it wasn't any different than any other exam I've had in the past 4 and a half weeks, which, frankly, is BULLSHIT! Something HAS to be different, because he's lower and I've got this discharge. But, nope. I'm not at a stage where I'm "inducable", because my BP is ok. So fucking what? I bet my BP doesn't spike that much -- and in fact, I bet a "normal" BP is high for me. I bet my BP is high now, because I've been pretty ticked off all day.
I was pretty close to arguing with him today about it, but I was really tired, really upset and not wearing pants, which makes it hard to argue about anything. When you're not wearing pants. And I was ready to burst into tears when he said that I wasn't coming back until Friday.
So, send some good "go into labor" thoughts my way for the rest of the week. Because, if I'm still preggo on Friday, I'm probably just going to cry.
I don't really mind being overdue, so much in that I just want him to be here, so I can get started in on that.
It's very depressing being totally ready for something that isn't coming. I'm close to cracking.
TMI alert!!!!
So, I guess I never blogged this -- Friday afternoon, I had a lot more discharge of "stuff" than I normally have, and it had a bit of pink in it. And Saturday morning, there was more, but this time it was featuring brown (which is old blood).
Continuing on....
I told the doctor about the discharge I have been experiencing since Saturday morning, and he basically just attributed it to the internal exam I had Thursday. Seems logical, right? Unless you factor in the part where I haven't spotted from an internal exam EVER in my life. The only time I have spotted was either my girlie no-no time or my miscarriages. Oh, and one time with this little guy, but clearly that worked out just fine.
Then, they want me to call Wednesday, to find out his schedule for Friday, so I can come back, since he's out of the office Thursday afternoon (his normal office hours). During my check today, I guess it wasn't any different than any other exam I've had in the past 4 and a half weeks, which, frankly, is BULLSHIT! Something HAS to be different, because he's lower and I've got this discharge. But, nope. I'm not at a stage where I'm "inducable", because my BP is ok. So fucking what? I bet my BP doesn't spike that much -- and in fact, I bet a "normal" BP is high for me. I bet my BP is high now, because I've been pretty ticked off all day.
I was pretty close to arguing with him today about it, but I was really tired, really upset and not wearing pants, which makes it hard to argue about anything. When you're not wearing pants. And I was ready to burst into tears when he said that I wasn't coming back until Friday.
So, send some good "go into labor" thoughts my way for the rest of the week. Because, if I'm still preggo on Friday, I'm probably just going to cry.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Only slightly annoyed...
I just got a call, from work, while on leave. *insert eye roll here*
I called back and there were two questions.
The first, I can understand, because I haven't had to do the issue that came up and I probably wouldn't have know the answer either, but all my notes and everything are at work. I think I know the answer, but I'm not totally sure of the implications of what needs to be done, you know?
The second, I had addressed with the person before I left. The instructions for variances on the link are fairly benign. If you can't find your variance on such and such report, then contact this person. I hope I don't get many calls about that situation again, because I'll stop answering my phone when it's work. Seriously.
I'm trying to do some things today to try and get him to move lower over the next few days -- some ideas from people online were to sit on the floor, with your legs butterflied in front of you -- which was a fairly good suggestion -- something to open up the pelvic floor. And I'm also trying just to hang out on my hands and knees to try and get my belly to relax.
So, far, the only excitement was the hour of contractions I had that were 7 minutes apart. Clearly, unproductive, but a start.
I'm hoping for some sort of good news on Monday.
I'm sitting and printing Brookie's wedding invites today. At least, starting them. If I can just sit and put them together once he's here, that would be pretty sweet. I think they are going to look awesome once completed. However, I managed to print 49 before I realized that I had misspelled something. WHOOPS! Luckily, I printed on the other side and you can't see through. So, it worked out a-ok. :)
I called back and there were two questions.
The first, I can understand, because I haven't had to do the issue that came up and I probably wouldn't have know the answer either, but all my notes and everything are at work. I think I know the answer, but I'm not totally sure of the implications of what needs to be done, you know?
The second, I had addressed with the person before I left. The instructions for variances on the link are fairly benign. If you can't find your variance on such and such report, then contact this person. I hope I don't get many calls about that situation again, because I'll stop answering my phone when it's work. Seriously.
I'm trying to do some things today to try and get him to move lower over the next few days -- some ideas from people online were to sit on the floor, with your legs butterflied in front of you -- which was a fairly good suggestion -- something to open up the pelvic floor. And I'm also trying just to hang out on my hands and knees to try and get my belly to relax.
So, far, the only excitement was the hour of contractions I had that were 7 minutes apart. Clearly, unproductive, but a start.
I'm hoping for some sort of good news on Monday.
I'm sitting and printing Brookie's wedding invites today. At least, starting them. If I can just sit and put them together once he's here, that would be pretty sweet. I think they are going to look awesome once completed. However, I managed to print 49 before I realized that I had misspelled something. WHOOPS! Luckily, I printed on the other side and you can't see through. So, it worked out a-ok. :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
BAH! I give up!
I quit. Seriously.
Had some contractions last night -- mild, but they were steady for an hour -- every 7 minutes from like 3 am to 4 am, when I got up to eat some cereal, because I was starving!
Then, once I got up, they pretty much went away.
I wonder if I'm too uptight about going into labor to go into labor.
So, doctor's appt today at 1pm: NOTHING! No dilation again, he hasn't even dropped that much! BAH!!!! GAH!!!! The doc said that maybe I was a little softer, but I was still closed up.
I'm hoping the full moon on Saturday morning will influence me somehow.
Next appt: Monday at 9:15 am. and, seriously, I'd better be on my way to the hospital after that to get induced. Because I am done.
If my only relaxed enough time to contract is between 3 and 4 in the morning, I'm truly F-ed. Because I will never sleep again, forever.
Remember that Simpsons Halloween episode where they do the Shining parody and Homer "goes crazy" toward the end? That's what I feel like, right now.
Had some contractions last night -- mild, but they were steady for an hour -- every 7 minutes from like 3 am to 4 am, when I got up to eat some cereal, because I was starving!
Then, once I got up, they pretty much went away.
I wonder if I'm too uptight about going into labor to go into labor.
So, doctor's appt today at 1pm: NOTHING! No dilation again, he hasn't even dropped that much! BAH!!!! GAH!!!! The doc said that maybe I was a little softer, but I was still closed up.
I'm hoping the full moon on Saturday morning will influence me somehow.
Next appt: Monday at 9:15 am. and, seriously, I'd better be on my way to the hospital after that to get induced. Because I am done.
If my only relaxed enough time to contract is between 3 and 4 in the morning, I'm truly F-ed. Because I will never sleep again, forever.
Remember that Simpsons Halloween episode where they do the Shining parody and Homer "goes crazy" toward the end? That's what I feel like, right now.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
So, am I overdue today or tomorrow?
The doctor says I am due today. So, am I over due now? Or starting tomorrow?
My ticker says that I am overdue today. So, I'll go with that! ha ha!
The past two days of not working were pretty good -- I slept until 8 on Monday and I probably could have slept longer, if it wasn't for the urge to pee. Then, I ran errands in the morning and had some McDonald's for lunch and did some more stuff around the house -- cleaned out the fridge and cabinets. Then, I went over to Sam's to buy some food in bulk, in case I wind up with a c-section and am in the hospital for 4 days instead of just 2. So, Jake has some food to take with him for lunches or just to eat if/when he runs home to check on cats and such.
Yesterday, I was up a little earlier and did the same sort of thing -- I just didn't leave the house. UPS was delivering a package for me, so I had to hang around for that. But, I cleaned more areas and did some last minute things in the nursery and started mudding the back closet area, so that can get finished once I don't have a big stomach sticking out in front of me. Then, Colio and G.Nate were over last night, just to hang out, since Colio was home from LA-LA land for a week. We watched the Brewers and ate Toppers.
I've just been trying to...someone just ran the stop sign out in front of our house -- I swear, one day, I am going to count the number of cars that either run that stop sign or don't make a complete stop. Then, I'm going to start taking pictures of cars and calling the cops. And the same car just ran the stop sign again, going the other way. Jerk.
Anyway, I've just been trying to get things moving with him by walking, etc.
So, I wake up pretty early today -- I was SOOOO hot last night that I was uncovered most of the night and I was still sweating. Yuck. But, I got up around 7:15 or so and started to clean the remains of last night's festivies and ate, etc. etc. etc. I went upstairs to clean up clothes and I just decided that I didn't feel good. I did pick up a bit, but mostly, I just laid on the bed with the cats and watched "Pride and Prejudice". I'm just tired and I just feel off today.
Now, I'm sitting here and my lower back is really hurting, close to my hips and it's sharp pains. It really feels yuck. I don't know if it's the start of something or not. I hope so. It sort of wraps around my hips in the front too. And Ryan is really moving around right now, but that might be the iced tea that I am having too.
I guess I'll just wait and see. This all because I said that I had no intention of being in the hospital for the series finale of Scrubs, which, of course, is tonight!
My ticker says that I am overdue today. So, I'll go with that! ha ha!
The past two days of not working were pretty good -- I slept until 8 on Monday and I probably could have slept longer, if it wasn't for the urge to pee. Then, I ran errands in the morning and had some McDonald's for lunch and did some more stuff around the house -- cleaned out the fridge and cabinets. Then, I went over to Sam's to buy some food in bulk, in case I wind up with a c-section and am in the hospital for 4 days instead of just 2. So, Jake has some food to take with him for lunches or just to eat if/when he runs home to check on cats and such.
Yesterday, I was up a little earlier and did the same sort of thing -- I just didn't leave the house. UPS was delivering a package for me, so I had to hang around for that. But, I cleaned more areas and did some last minute things in the nursery and started mudding the back closet area, so that can get finished once I don't have a big stomach sticking out in front of me. Then, Colio and G.Nate were over last night, just to hang out, since Colio was home from LA-LA land for a week. We watched the Brewers and ate Toppers.
I've just been trying to...someone just ran the stop sign out in front of our house -- I swear, one day, I am going to count the number of cars that either run that stop sign or don't make a complete stop. Then, I'm going to start taking pictures of cars and calling the cops. And the same car just ran the stop sign again, going the other way. Jerk.
Anyway, I've just been trying to get things moving with him by walking, etc.
So, I wake up pretty early today -- I was SOOOO hot last night that I was uncovered most of the night and I was still sweating. Yuck. But, I got up around 7:15 or so and started to clean the remains of last night's festivies and ate, etc. etc. etc. I went upstairs to clean up clothes and I just decided that I didn't feel good. I did pick up a bit, but mostly, I just laid on the bed with the cats and watched "Pride and Prejudice". I'm just tired and I just feel off today.
Now, I'm sitting here and my lower back is really hurting, close to my hips and it's sharp pains. It really feels yuck. I don't know if it's the start of something or not. I hope so. It sort of wraps around my hips in the front too. And Ryan is really moving around right now, but that might be the iced tea that I am having too.
I guess I'll just wait and see. This all because I said that I had no intention of being in the hospital for the series finale of Scrubs, which, of course, is tonight!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I had this rant this morning...
And then I decided it wasn't that important to write 5 paragraphs about.
Suffice it to say that I think that I'm not getting paid as much from my STD insurance that I pay for and money will be a bit tighter this summer. Which is frustrating, but we'll make it work. I have to go back and refigure things. Hopefully, work will really start to pick up for Jake here.
Plus, money won't really be tight until June. I have to use three weeks vacay, so I will be getting paid for those weeks through the rest of the month. I'm glad I get paid in arrears instead of for current working.
I've been washing lots of diapers and getting all that ready. I need to finish the very last things in the nursery - hang up Ryan's name letters on his wall, hang the wall hangings that match the bedding, put up a shelf for diaper changing stuff. That should probably do it. I actually have my hospital bag mostly packed too! AMAZING! I just need to wash some clothes and throw those in there. I'll be taking a pair of good old maternity jeans and probably a t-shirt and tank top. Nothing fancy for coming home.
I'm still hoping that I come home from the hospital 20 pounds lighter. That would be pretty sweet. 15 pounds is doable to lose. That's what walking is for.
Still not feeling real sure about the whole breastfeeding thing. I know that I should try it, but I'm just not feeling positive about it. I would rather just pump and do bottles. We'll see what happens. That's all I can do.
I still have a feeling that I will end up with a c-section. I don't have any feeling that I am going to have any progress by Thursday (for the 4th week in a row) and while the doc may like to let nature take its course, I prefer just to kick things off. Which I will bring up. I'm tired of being pregnant. Have been for a while. In my unprofessional opinion, I think that if I haven't progressed at all in 4 weeks, another week won't make a difference. Which I will probably say. My feeling is that if he hasn't come by May 10th, I would like to be at the hospital in the morning on May 11th to start an induction. And even then, I almost just want to elect a c-section because inductions have a much high incidence of c-section anyway. This, however, may just be my frustration with no progress in three weeks talking. Of course, I don't want to use up a lot of leave time waiting for him either. So, it could be that frustration talking too.
I really want to have a garage sale this summer, too, while I'm off. I have SOOO much stuff that I need to get rid of, it's not even funny. And if I could sell enough to make a car payment, that would be pretty sweet. But, I need to go through everything in the house and that would take me at least a week and even then, I would need somewhere to put it all. I guess I should just decide to do it and then go for it. Mom could watch Ryan while I dig through shit, if necessary, I'm sure. We'll see. I have lots of clothes that I have already gone through that I need to at least try to sell. I guess that I could start washing them and empty out rubbermaid containers and put them all in there for now. I just have so much stuff that I would like to get out of the house! I've wanted to do this since last summer, but last summer was just such a suck time.
I'm starting to rant again. Oops.
I ordered the stuff for Brooke's wedding invites on Thursday! YAY! I will have it by next week and I will start printing things and putting stuff together. It should go pretty fast, I think. The gluing and stamping of stuff will really be the tough part...and by tough, I mean, time consuming. And that's okay. I'm really not anticipating this being very difficult. The printing part will probably be the annoying part -- mostly because the printer is annoying and loud. But, the ink is cheap, so it's okay.
Well, it's almost 9. I guess I should do something. Maybe. :)
Suffice it to say that I think that I'm not getting paid as much from my STD insurance that I pay for and money will be a bit tighter this summer. Which is frustrating, but we'll make it work. I have to go back and refigure things. Hopefully, work will really start to pick up for Jake here.
Plus, money won't really be tight until June. I have to use three weeks vacay, so I will be getting paid for those weeks through the rest of the month. I'm glad I get paid in arrears instead of for current working.
I've been washing lots of diapers and getting all that ready. I need to finish the very last things in the nursery - hang up Ryan's name letters on his wall, hang the wall hangings that match the bedding, put up a shelf for diaper changing stuff. That should probably do it. I actually have my hospital bag mostly packed too! AMAZING! I just need to wash some clothes and throw those in there. I'll be taking a pair of good old maternity jeans and probably a t-shirt and tank top. Nothing fancy for coming home.
I'm still hoping that I come home from the hospital 20 pounds lighter. That would be pretty sweet. 15 pounds is doable to lose. That's what walking is for.
Still not feeling real sure about the whole breastfeeding thing. I know that I should try it, but I'm just not feeling positive about it. I would rather just pump and do bottles. We'll see what happens. That's all I can do.
I still have a feeling that I will end up with a c-section. I don't have any feeling that I am going to have any progress by Thursday (for the 4th week in a row) and while the doc may like to let nature take its course, I prefer just to kick things off. Which I will bring up. I'm tired of being pregnant. Have been for a while. In my unprofessional opinion, I think that if I haven't progressed at all in 4 weeks, another week won't make a difference. Which I will probably say. My feeling is that if he hasn't come by May 10th, I would like to be at the hospital in the morning on May 11th to start an induction. And even then, I almost just want to elect a c-section because inductions have a much high incidence of c-section anyway. This, however, may just be my frustration with no progress in three weeks talking. Of course, I don't want to use up a lot of leave time waiting for him either. So, it could be that frustration talking too.
I really want to have a garage sale this summer, too, while I'm off. I have SOOO much stuff that I need to get rid of, it's not even funny. And if I could sell enough to make a car payment, that would be pretty sweet. But, I need to go through everything in the house and that would take me at least a week and even then, I would need somewhere to put it all. I guess I should just decide to do it and then go for it. Mom could watch Ryan while I dig through shit, if necessary, I'm sure. We'll see. I have lots of clothes that I have already gone through that I need to at least try to sell. I guess that I could start washing them and empty out rubbermaid containers and put them all in there for now. I just have so much stuff that I would like to get out of the house! I've wanted to do this since last summer, but last summer was just such a suck time.
I'm starting to rant again. Oops.
I ordered the stuff for Brooke's wedding invites on Thursday! YAY! I will have it by next week and I will start printing things and putting stuff together. It should go pretty fast, I think. The gluing and stamping of stuff will really be the tough part...and by tough, I mean, time consuming. And that's okay. I'm really not anticipating this being very difficult. The printing part will probably be the annoying part -- mostly because the printer is annoying and loud. But, the ink is cheap, so it's okay.
Well, it's almost 9. I guess I should do something. Maybe. :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
5 to 9 Days to go...depending on who you ask
Now, if you ask me, I'll say 9 and then some.
However, the doc goes with my earliest date, which is May 6th and won't really let me go a week to 10 days past that day. He doesn't want to let Ryan overcook -- going past term can be just as bad as pre-term. The placenta starts to say 'f this' and stop working as well.
Ryan is still pretty much just hanging out in the same place he has been for the last 3 weeks. I think his head is leaned or on my left hip and his butt is up by my right ribs. My left hip sure does hurt quite a bit some days. I think that my stomach muscles are not going to release him from that position and knowing that he's my and Jake's child, he's probably just doesn't care about getting in the right position to come out. LOL!
I'm still closed up -- very few contractions and he really hasn't dropped much other than being head down.
Swine flu can kiss my shiny metal ass. It's a flu. Yes, it's a new flu that they don't have a vaccine for yet, but they will. Just take care of yourself and you'll survive.
$2 Summerfest tickets!?!?!?!!!....OMG, I have to go!
However, the doc goes with my earliest date, which is May 6th and won't really let me go a week to 10 days past that day. He doesn't want to let Ryan overcook -- going past term can be just as bad as pre-term. The placenta starts to say 'f this' and stop working as well.
Ryan is still pretty much just hanging out in the same place he has been for the last 3 weeks. I think his head is leaned or on my left hip and his butt is up by my right ribs. My left hip sure does hurt quite a bit some days. I think that my stomach muscles are not going to release him from that position and knowing that he's my and Jake's child, he's probably just doesn't care about getting in the right position to come out. LOL!
I'm still closed up -- very few contractions and he really hasn't dropped much other than being head down.
Swine flu can kiss my shiny metal ass. It's a flu. Yes, it's a new flu that they don't have a vaccine for yet, but they will. Just take care of yourself and you'll survive.
$2 Summerfest tickets!?!?!?!!!....OMG, I have to go!
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