Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yep, we'll call it the dreaded "C word"



I am seriously terrified of my child nowadays. When he starts to wake up from naps, I can feel my blood pressure rise at the mere sound of his squeaking, which used to be cute.

Wednesday was fine. Thursday, we were back to eating too much, throwing up and generally screaming for hours and hours. Finally, he passed out around 10 pm Thursday night and actually sleep until 2am. Then, up at 5:30am. Then up at 6:30am. He doesn't sleep much past 6am. Which sucks. Friday -- more screaming. Even my mom is troubled by it. He used to be such a quiet baby. He is just awake for hours and hours and finally, he passes out to sleep. Last night, it was around 9pm. Then, up at midnight. And then 2. And then 5. Then, he was up from 5:30am this morning, until about 12 noon. Then, he slept only like 30 mins. Finally, we took him for a car ride around 2:30 and went down to the Milwaukee Public Market, just because it was a long care ride in town. He's been sleeping pretty much since then, which he needs to do, but at the same time, I know that he's going to up later tonight. Sigh. I should really take a nap.

We're just going to totally switch over to formula and see if that helps at all. I'm going to pump to keep up with the BF part, but if my milk is going to make him insanely gassy, then what's the point of doing it, you know? If formula makes him a little happier and quieter and able to rest, then I'm all for that. Not reason to feed him enough, but have him be upset all the time.

At least car rides put him to sleep. Thank God.

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